Blockchain in Barcelona

The aim of this post is to provide some references of the blockchain space in the startup ecosystem of Barcelona. The intention is to make it easier for new actors in this field or for new to the ecosystem (new entrepreneurs, startups, international technologists, digital nomads …) to navigate this field here and to have a guide to introduce themselves more quickly in this technological area.



  1. Alex Puig, CEO at Red Lyra
  2. Carlos Barbero Steinblock, CEO at BTC-Guardian and one of the organizers of Barcelona Bitcoin Community Meetup
  3. Paula Nita from Blockchain Company and also organizer of The Impact of Blockchain Meetup
  4. Aleix Ripol Creuheras, organizer of Barcelona Bitcoin Community Meetup
  5. Albert Castellana, co-founder of Atraura Blockchain, co-organizer of Barcelona Blockchain Meetup, Vice Dean of COEINF
  6. Andreu Rodríguez, CEO at Atraura Blockchain
  7. Adrià Aguadé Estivill, organizer of Bitcoin & Blockchain Barcelona Meetup
  8. Adrià Massanet, organizer of Barcelona Ethereum Dev Meetup
  9. Marc Rocas, Researcher at Open University of Catalonia IN3 and  Associate Professor at University of Barcelona
  10. David Proto, from CreativeChain and CreativeCoin
  11. Lluïsa Marsal, Blockchain4Cities and BECON Catalan Chapter Lead
  12. Daniel Rodríguez López, from Blockchaintorii
  13. Jordi Herrera, professor at UAB and expert in cryptocurrencies
  14. Joaquim Fenoy, from BITCHAIN
  15. Eddy Travia from Blockchain Space (In recent times, Eddy in his constant global journey remains far from Barcelona)
  16. Jordi Baylina
  17. Escalicha HK @Escalicha
  18. Alex Sicart from Sharge
  19. Alejandra Sanchez, from Duran Cuevas SLP
  20. Xavier Foz, from Roca Junyent
  21. José Ramón Morales, from Garrigues Barcelona
  22. Alexis Piquer, from Cirial 180
  23. Andrea Ortega Villalobos, Lawyer and Innovation Project Manager at Cuatrecasas
  24. Jordi Cucurull, from Scytl
  25. Enric Hernández Jiménez, responsible for security, certification and electronic signature at the Notary Certification Agency (ANCERT)
  26. Montse Guardia, Director of Digital Services Delivery; Digital Transformation & Innovation in Bank Sabadell

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